Living at Home, Just Like You

When people think about the cowboy life, they think of life out on the range. Sleeping in a tent or just on a sleeping bag under the stars. Relaxing by the campfire. Cooking out. Singing songs. Talking funny cowboy talk. You’ve probably already got a picture in your head of what it looks like. It’s a romantic notion, for sure, but there ain’t a lot of truth in it these days. It’s a romantic thought, but that’s just not how it is.

See, we cowboys live just like the rest of you. Sure, we get outside a lot more. And we’re a bit more dusty and dirty after a day’s work. But we go home just like everyone else, and whether that’s in a nice house with one of them fancy kitchens and a nice two-car garage or just a tiny apartment with a an old TV, we still go home. And we’ve got the same worries as everyone else: paying rent, paying bills, playing video games (I like anything on the XBox 360, the kids prefer Poptropica), figuring out what to re-heat in the microwave. You name it.

I’ve run into a lot of people who’ve watched too many Hollywood movies and they seriously think we live out on the range. Get real!

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