21st Century Western Cowboy

Western Cowboys are still western cowboys in the 21st Century. Of course, cowboys still works in ranch and take care of livestock and tending animals and branding or earn making the cattle. We maintain ranches by frequently patrolling fences and checking for any damages areas that are in need of repair. We still move cattle from one pasture to another in order to keep them from overgrazing in one area.

There are still similarities between western cowboys then and now.

21st Century cowboys still use horses when moving herds and patrolling fences, as the horses are much less likely to spook the cattle than using motorized equipment. Although we now have lariats that are used to catch and hold cows which aren’t moving along with the other cows.

And until now, we still maintain a form of solidarity created largely by amount of work required. But while people think that classic cowboys are “loner”, modern cowboys aren’t afraid to let their hair down and have a good time when the opportunity presents itself!

And moderns cowboys are complex. Old-time cowboys weren’t really known for great emotional range or for doing much else besides riding out on the range and getting in trouble at saloons. But today’s cowboys are just as likely to be well-read (I’m a fan of Harry Potter myself). Of course, one old concept holds true: we’re all great singers.

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