Category Archives: Uncategorized

Living at Home, Just Like You

When people think about the cowboy life, they think of life out on the range. Sleeping in a tent or just on a sleeping bag under the stars. Relaxing by the campfire. Cooking out. Singing songs. Talking funny cowboy talk. You’ve probably already got a picture in your head of what it looks like. It’s a romantic notion, for sure, but there ain’t a lot of truth in it these days. It’s a romantic thought, but that’s just not how it is.

See, we cowboys live just like the rest of you. Sure, we get outside a lot more. And we’re a bit more dusty and dirty after a day’s work. But we go home just like everyone else, and whether that’s in a nice house with one of them fancy kitchens and a nice two-car garage or just a tiny apartment with a an old TV, we still go home. And we’ve got the same worries as everyone else: paying rent, paying bills, playing video games (I like anything on the XBox 360, the kids prefer Poptropica), figuring out what to re-heat in the microwave. You name it.

I’ve run into a lot of people who’ve watched too many Hollywood movies and they seriously think we live out on the range. Get real!

I’m a Cowboy, I Reckon

Howdy and welcome to my blog. I’m a cowboy. A real one. There aren’t many of us left. I know enough about computers to have my own blog and this is where I’ll keep a record of what life is like for a good old cowboy in the age of the Internet. Some of it will be interesting and some of it, quite frankly, a bit boring. So grab a seat by the campfire and I’ll tell you some tales.

It’s true, I spend a lot of time out on the range. It’s not as romantic as you read in books or see in the movies, but it’s good, decent work. When the weather’s not good and I’m forced indoors, I spend a lot of time on the computer, either managing my business or goofing off playing games on Facebook. But I try to remain outdoors as much as I can.